Town of Glenville Is Hiring!

Town of Glenville Employment Opportunities

 We are currently accepting resumes for the following positions:

Deputy Receiver of Taxes - Part-time position with varying schedule of 30-35 hours per week in January, June, and September; 15-20 hours per week in February, March, April, July, and October; and limited hours in May, August, November and December. Starting pay rate of $17.00 per hour with retirement benefits. 

Senior Center Clerk - Part-time, 15 hours per week, starting pay rate of $15.30 per hour with retirement benefits. This is an afternoon clerical position at the Glenville Senior Center.

Ice Rink Attendant - part-time, seasonal position at Indian Meadows Park, pay rate of $13.50 per hour. Duties include general supervision of the outdoor skating rinks and warming house, completion of usage reports and related paperwork, custodial work. Ideal candidate will be at least 18 years old, able to work independently and available to work evenings and weekends.

All resumes must be accompanied by a Schenectady County Civil Service Application.  To apply, send your resume and completed application to Vicki Hillis, Director of Human Services, Glenville Town Hall, 18 Glenridge Rd, Glenville NY 12302 or via email to