Stormwater Public Education

Homeowner's Guide
Pick-up pet waste
Scoop the Poop

Town of Glenville is committed to clean water. Our stormwater program seeks to minimize contamination of stormwater runoff. Part of that responsibility is to educate others on the importance of water conservation, pollution prevention, and recycling for trash reduction. To that end town officials engaged Union College environmental studies interns to assemble the following information on composting, lawn care, pet waste and other topics to help residents and visitors contribute to our stormwater quality improvement program.

Car Wash Runoff: /home/files/car-wash-runoff
Catch Basins & Organic Materials:  /home/files/catch-basins-organic-materials
Fertilizing Your Lawn:  /home/files/fertilizing-your-lawn
Fertilizing Water Contamination:
Green Infrastructures at Home: /home/files/green-infrastructures-home 
Household Cleaners:   /home/files/household-cleaners
How to Compost: /stormwater-management/files/stormwater-management
Oil Spills:  /home/files/oil-spills
Organic Materials & Hydrocarbons:  /home/files/organic-material-hydrocarbons-stormwater
Pet Waste/home/files/pet-waste
Pharmaceuticals in Stormwater:  /home/files/pharmaceuticals-stormwater
Phosphorous & Nitrogen in Stormwater:  /home/files/phosphorus-nitrogen-stormwater
Stormwater System:  /stormwater-management/files/stormwater-management-1