A Follow Up Message From Supervisor Chris Koetzle

Update on Spectrum Franchise Fee Charges

Dear Resident, 

In follow up to my message last month about the Spectrum Cable franchise fee being higher than previous months, I had indicated that Spectrum has acknowledged the over charge and was prepared to issue a credit in April. Since then, many of you have contacted me about the fact that customers did not get the credit on their April bills.  My office has been working on this issue and we have been told by Spectrum that the credit was issued by the end of March, but was too late to be applied to the April bills.  They have indicated that the credit will appear on the May bills. As a reminder, the town of Glenville has an agreement with Spectrum that caps the amount of the fee that can be charged to customers, but we do not control pricing or content. (click here for information on the franchise fee https://www3.dps.ny.gov/W/PSCWeb.nsf/ArticlesByTitle/209301053B2661F0852...

Any issues with pricing or content should be directed to the New York State Public Service Commission at 800-342-3377. You can also file a complaint on-line at https://www3.dps.ny.gov/W/PSCWeb.nsf/All/755C4F39A58C924C85257B2F0067FCA...

Please keep an eye out for your next bill for the credit and do not hesitate to contact my office at 518.688.1201 or email directly at ckoetzle@townofglenville.org if I can be of any help with Spectrum or any opther matter.  

Thank you for your time, 
