Zoning Code Amendments November 18th

As with past code amendments, each of these is a housekeeping item discovered through the normal course of enforcing the rules and determined by the Code Committee to be the best way to address. As a minor amendment each is not subject to SEQR given they constitute a Type II Action.

  1. Dimensional Regulations

The proposed amendment removes two-family homes from the suburban residential zoning district as the 2-family is not a permitted use in this zoning district. The amendment also adds Freemans Bridge District dimensions to the table.

  1. Districts and Boundaries

The proposed code amendment is to eliminate the need for a conditional use permit for select uses throughout the code. Each still requires site plan review and a building permit, which will ensure compliance with local and state rules. The remaining uses that require a conditional use permit have the potential for nuisances within the given district and the conditional use permit mechanism is meant to assess and mitigate impacts of those potential nuisances.

  1. In Suburban Residential (SR) - Roadside produce stands located on a County Highway and/or on a road with speed limits greater than 30 mph (but not exceeding a building footprint of 600 square feet).
  2. Restaurants in Community Business (CB).
  3. Marinas, Lodging Facilities, Restaurants and Campgrounds in Riverfront Recreational Commercial District (RRC).
  4. Automobile Rental and Cargo / Freight Movement Operations in the Airport District (AZ).
  1. Signs

Mea Culpa – the new sign code created some unintended consequences that were discovered during enforcement.  Specifically,

  1. Allow A-Frame temporary signs
  2. Simplify rule for wall and roof signs to two square feet for every linear foot of the façade width. Two signs can be installed on corner lot buildings that front two streets, and the wall sign for each façade facing street frontage is eligible for a two square foot for every linear foot of the façade width.
  3. Limit alterations (repair or replacement except refacing) of legal nonconforming signs to under 25%.
  4. Permit signage for Professional Residential Zoning District.
  1. Yard Requirements

The minor amendment to the Yard Requirements section of the zoning code is to create an exception for parking one-ton pick-up trucks in a residential driveway. When the code was written any truck weighing one ton or more could not be parked in a residential driveway. Yet, most of Glenville’s residents own a one-ton pick-up truck. The intent was to prevent commercial vehicles. Carving out this exception preserves that intent and clarifies the rule.

Please see the proposed amendments below. Feel free to contact Melissa Cherubino at mcherubino@townofglenville.org or 518-688-1218 with any questions or concerns.