Black Bear Sighting in Glenville

DEC Resources Attached

We have received many calls from residents across the town to report a sighting of a black bear in proximity to their yards.  Members of the town’s staff have reported this to the DEC and we have been in communication with staff from the department about the bear.  

DEC's top recommendation is to educate the residents about the importance of securing garbage and putting away birdfeeders. This is most likely a juvenile bear in search of food in an area away from the competition of other, larger bears. This bear will move on to a new region if easy food sources are removed especially since bears normally live off wild vegetation at this time of year. The reported sightings have been scattered throughout the town, but it may be just one bear since a juvenile bear can easily travel 30 miles in one day. Homeowners who see a bear in their yard should, from a safe distance, make a lot of noise to scare it off.  Again, please consider removing all food sources from your yards. This will encourage the bear to move away from the area.   

Additional resources from the DEC:

Ways to Reduce Human-Bear Conflicts can be found here.

Black Bear Encounters can be read about here.